Wk 52 Sample Pack - The Last One. For now :)

Download this Week ’s free sample pack here. As always this pack features samples available in our store. Check it our here.

All recorded at 96khz 24bit.


  1. TT_Ride_End.wav

  2. City_Hiroshima_Pigeons.wav

  3. Figment_ListeningWithImagination.wav

  4. FLP_DuDl_132.wav

  5. Jngl - 120.wav

  6. Ohh Ah - 80.wav

  7. PlastiLead Dwn - Bb 115.wav

  8. PO_Strutter_120.wav

  9. PO_TONK_120.wav

This is it. Made it all 2020. Started this year ready to travel and enjoy another spectacular year. Turns out it took a hell of a turn, but we made it. Its over. Here is to next year and for more time to be creative. As for what’s next, I dont know right now. Im having a kid so it’ll be harder to do something every day or week, but I’ll always do something.

Stay safe and love one another.

  • Josh Valencia